New Massive Foill Update! April 2024
This new version of Foill has a whole range of improvements and new functionalities!
The highlights in short:
- With this version you can now easily share interesting sites with your friends by just tagging them directly on that very page!
- There are various UX improvements in browsing, replying on marks and discussions, giving thumbs up/down, finding marks from people, and a lot more
- It is now way easier to invite your friends to also use Foill
- You will get a notification when there is interesting activity around your marks or replies. Or when you have a new follower
Please let us know what you think about this last update, of course you can do this via Foill on www.foill.com.
Download the app right now on and start sharing your opinion on every website you want right away!
Here is the full list of improvements:
- New function: Tagging
You now have the option to tag someone in your mark or reply. When typing the '@' a dropdown list appears with the people who follow you and you follow (so both users follow each other). From that list you can select someone to tag. By typing after the '@' you can filter the dropdown list options. The one who is tagged, gets a notification that he is tagged in a mark by you and he will see this mark in his feed
- Login and signup screens:
- Improved method of entering in your phone number
- Back buttons on the registration screens
- Browser tab:
- In android app: globe icon for browser
- In the url field: A cross button that will empty the whole url field at once
- Improved keyboard lay out when typing an url
- If an invalid url is entered, then it will be searched with google
- When typing a new url, exiting (by clicking outside of the url field) is no longer equal to start browsing to what has been typed in the url field
- There is now a number in de marks icon, indicating if, and how many marks there are on that page.
- Marks tab:
- If you press submit, there is an indication that it is submitting
- If there is a mark from someone you are not following yet, then there is a 'follow' button under the profile picture
- Marks tab - replies screen:
- If you click on ‘show discussion’: you will navigate to a page with heading ‘Mark - discussion'. If there is no 'discussion' yet, clicking on 'reply' opens the ‘Mark – discussion’-page.
- When there is already a reply on a mark, the 'reply' option is now under the latest reply
- Replies under a mark are now ordered oldest to newest, so that you can read the discussion chronologically
- Feed tab:
- Replies on your marks will now also appear in your feed
- (Dis)Likes on marks or replies on your marks/replies also appear in your feed
- Other notifications like for example that someone is following you or when someone you invited registered, also now appear in your feed
- When you like/dislike something the thumb icon is now coloured Foill green, so you know you have already given a thumbs
- Friends tab:
- The followers and following lists are now in alphabetical order
- Friends - Invite screen:
- When you want to invite someone and the phone number in your phonebook is not in international phone number format including a country code, you will be asked to provide a country code from a dropdown list before the invite can be send
- The order of the people in the list to invite is now in alphabetical order
- There is now a search option to search for people in your address book
- If someone you want to invite is stored in you address book with multiple phone numbers, you can choose which number you want to use to invite this person
- If you invite someone with a number which is already registered as a Foill user, then you follow this contact instead
- You will get a notification if someone you invited registers to Foill
- Profile tab:
- When you update a mark, there is now an indication that it is updating
- The marks on the profile tab now also include the URL, as in the feed, so that you can click on it and go to that mark
- When on someone else's profile you now also have the reply option at the marks