Do you want to make a statement, or share your opinion? But is the website not giving you the option? Use Foill, the most secure and independ way to share your thougths on the exact website you want to share them!
It is not always possible to react to an article, to share your experience or just comment on a page. And even when it is possible, after struggling through the registration process, sometimes your comment is deleted. By the administrator or, even worse, by an algorithm. With Foill this truth dodging belongs to the past once and for all.
Exploring new pages, reading your favourite articles and bookmarking your must reads, surfing the internet is great. And, it’s about to become even greater. Foill makes it possible to surf the internet with your friends right at your side.
Ever bought something in a web shop with reviews which are too good to be true? Chances are, you will never get your order and never get your money back. Foill is here to make sure you will never be scammed again. Foill shows you exactly what other people say about the shop. So next time, if you are in doubt, don’t trust the page’s reviews. Trust Foill.
Our mission is to create a transparent, social and secure internet. Your comments are essential to reach this goal. They matter to your friends and family, but also to all other Foill users. The more people use Foill, the more powerful we all become.
Download the Foill app, register an account and start commenting today.
Whatever website you visit or whatever page you enter Foill enables you to speak your mind and make your mark.
Visiting a website or page? Share your experience with friends, family and other users. Whatever your opinion, whatever your mark, it will help others to make better decisions.
Like what others have said? Show your appreciation by upvoting the comment! Or downvote, when you have a completely different experience for example.
Can’t find that page your friends were talking about? Just start following them. Foill is for everyone who has a need for a transparent, insightful and secure internet
Feeling the urge to react to comments made by others on Foill? We've got you covered! Obviously, with Foill, you can react on all comments!
You are about to buy this great pair of shoes, but you are not sure whether the web shop is trustworthy. Just check Foill to find out.
You are about to order this very tasty looking pizza, but you are really hungry. Check Foill to find out whether other people are happy with the delivery time.
You bump into this very interesting page or article online. Use Foill to easily share it with your friends by tagging them.
No administrator or algorithm banning your opinion.
Leaving comments on every site and page you visit. Whether they have a section for it or not.
Confused whether you are reading fake news or not?! Start a conversation about it and find out together.
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